North Lakeshore New Year’s Trail Challenge

Leander, TX, USA
01 Jan, 2025 (Mer)


13.1 mi, 25 km, 50 km

À propos de l'événement

New Year's Ultra Celebration!

Ring in the new year with vigor and community spirit at this celebratory running event at Arkansas Bend Park! Challenge yourself with an ultramarathon or another race distance against the beautiful backdrop of the crystal-clear waters of the Colorado River.

This event features four races and caters to both seasoned ultrarunners and first-timers with generous cutoff times for all distances. Celebrate your achievements at the finish line festival with food, and music. 

50K Ultramarathon
Join us for an exhilarating race day where you'll not only challenge your limits but also enjoy a dynamic and ever-changing course layout!  The welcoming environment encourages participants of all paces and fitness levels to take on their next running challenge. Adventure awaits on these scenic sun-bleached limestone bluffs and verdant courses. Running/hiking poles are recommended.    

31.1-mile course with a reversible loop design on trails. and along the river12-hour cutoff time

25K Trail Run
 For those seeking a shorter yet challenging distance, kick off your new year with an epic trail ultrarunning experience that takes you through varied natural scenery! Enjoy a 15.5-mile looped journey through the most scenic areas of Arkansas Bend Park, complete with a 7-hour cutoff time. Running/hiking poles are recommended.

Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
The looped course winds through picturesque areas, highlighting river views, and gentle inclines, suitable for both new and experienced runners.

5-hour cutoff time

Half Marathon (13.1 miles) Ruck Division
In a bid to expand the community and embrace a broader spectrum of physical activities, the Challenge also includes a special Ruck Division within the 13.1-mile half-marathon. This division is tailored to individuals looking for a unique challenge that tests endurance, strength, and resilience, providing an alternative to traditional running. Weight Requirements: Participants must carry a weighted backpack. The minimum weight is 20 pounds for participants under 150 pounds and 30 pounds for those over 150 pounds. Weights will be verified at the beginning and end of the race. 

Course: Ruck Division participants will tackle the same scenic half-marathon course, designed to be both challenging and rewarding, with the added difficulty of the weighted ruck.5-hour cutoff time

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 28 semaines pour vous préparer

50K Ultramarathon

01 Jan, 2025 (Mer) - 07:00
50 km
Sur site

25K Trail Run

01 Jan, 2025 (Mer) - 07:30
25 km
Sur site

Half Marathon (13.1 miles)

01 Jan, 2025 (Mer) - 08:00
13.1 mi
Sur site


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