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EDP Porto Marathon

EDP Maratona do Porto

3.8 (15)
Historique des éditions
Porto, Portugal
02 Nov, 2025 (Dim)
Taille de l'événement: 5000 - 9999 participants


6 km, 12 km, 42.195 km

Garantie d'équivalence des prix

Prix à partir de
11 USD
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EDP Porto Marathon - Partenaire officiel des inscriptions

À propos de l'événement

Le EDP Maratona do Porto attire chaque année des milliers de coureurs internationaux, ce qui en fait un événement remarquable au Portugal depuis sa création en 2004. La course, généralement organisée en novembre, offre un mélange riche de paysages maritimes et fluviaux, incorporant un parcours plat et rapide à travers Porto, Matosinhos, et V. N. Gaia. Les participants peuvent apprécier les environs étonnants, du centre historique de Ribeira do Porto à la Région Délimitée du Douro et ses célèbres caves à vin de Porto. La dernière édition a vu plus de 10 000 athlètes de 72 pays. La ville de Porto, site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO reconnu comme la Meilleure Destination Européenne à trois reprises, vous invite à participer au EDP Maratona do Porto et à vous immerger dans son atmosphère enchantée.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 37 semaines pour vous préparer

Family Race

02 Nov, 2025 (Dim) - 08:00

12 km

Sur site
Bord de lac
Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO

Maratona do Porto

02 Nov, 2025 (Dim) - 09:00

42.195 km

Sur site
Bord de lac
Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO

Fun Race

02 Nov, 2025 (Dim) - 09:30

6 km

Sur site
Bord de lac
Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO
La carte présentée est basée sur les données de l'édition précédente de cet événement. L'itinéraire réel de la prochaine édition peut être différent.

Détails de la course

Adresse de départ

SEA LIFE Porto, Via do Castelo do Queijo, Porto, Portugal

Adresse d'arrivée

Av. do Parque, Porto, Portugal

Carte de l'itinéraire

route map

Ce qui est inclus dans l'inscription

Ces éléments sont inclus dans votre inscription
Médaille de finisseur
T-shirts de l'événement
Numéro de dossard personnalisé
Goodie bag
Certificat électronique/diplôme électronique
Ravitaillement solide
Ravitaillement liquides
Dépôt de sacs
Puce à usage unique
Assurance accident
Meneurs d'allure
Assistance médicale

Questions fréquemment posées


15 Avis
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Andrea Torrini
nov 2023
42.195 km

Buona organizzazione e tanta partecipazione . Tifosi solo nel centro di Porto .

Percorso che parte ed arriva lontano dal centro di Porto , a Matosinos . Rispetto al 2022 , nel 2023 abbiamo corso anche sul lato opposto del fiume attraversando il ponte Luis . Molto vento

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Laurent Yang
nov 2023

I really liked the race, well organized, great route eventhough it was tough due to the weather conditions (cold , then warm, then rainy, with some wind). The race is quite early so not much cheering at the beginning.

Excellent race but tough, the cobblestones with the wind, the rain and the hills make this race quite challenging.

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Andrea Torrini
nov 2022
42.195 km

Percorso non piatto con curve strette ed andate e ritorno dall’inizio alla fine. Partecipazione pubblico scarsa ristori senza gel , il 99 % dei runner hanno misurato 400/500 metri in più .

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Ulrich Walter
Country flag of DE
nov 2018
42.195 km

The city of Porto ist really beautiful, and this usually is a good precondition for a nice marathon. And indeed, the first impressions of Porto Marathon in 2018 were very positive. So I was enlighted, that at the bib counter all runners got a paraticipant shirt and a participant backpack additional to the medal and the finisher shirt you get after the run. Then I came to the pasta party, which took place in the vault cellar of the building where you get the bib. What a great atmosphere! It was well-oranized, no long queues, and a saxophonist played in the background. This put me in a very good mood. Unfortunately this changed a bit in the next morning, when I took the metro to get to the start. Already for me it was difficult to gat a place to stand in the train, and at the next stops a lot more runners pushed themselves into the train. I wished that the Porto metro company would be more flexible and send more trains on marathon days. They should know about from the last years where it probably was the same. However, crammed tight like this all runners kept warm. Being crowded also characterized the first part of the marathon. The was a common start time for the marathon and the 15k family race, and the capacity of the course was much too low for such a huge number of runners. It took 11 kilometers until you got the chance to run without steady struggling with your neighbours, but even then the course was too narrow for the remaining 5000 runners. However, it was very nice to run along the shore ot the ocean with its high waves and at the river of Tejo with its impressing bridges. Only the fact of running against the wind disturbed the pleasure, especially because it was only about 12 degrees Celsius and it kept raining all over the day from time to time. And of course the wind changed its direction when I turned in order to run back to the start and finish area. Nevertheless, with better weather conditions it would have been a great joy to run the beautiful course. And maybe with better weather conditions you would not have to wait nearly half an hour in order to get back your clothing bag - without shelter in a open place. I never ever waited so long for this reason, and especially when it is cold and windy this is not acceptable. On the way back with the metro it was the same as in the morning. You had to push yourself anyhow into the train and hope that some others would leave at one one of the next stops. Okay, anyhow you get home, take a shower and then you have a look at the results list - and again you face a lack of organization which I never saw before: The runners are ranked by gun time instead by their net results! This must not be in times of digitalisation, and it is not usual in any other competition I took part (maybe besides the top runners). So, in conclusion, there are some positive aspects like the city of Porto itself, the pasta party, the marathon back pack anad participant shirt and of course the beautiful course, but also there is a dramatical lack of organization. If you intend to visit Porto as a tourist anyhow, the marathon is a good "add on option", but if your primary goal should be to participate in perfect organized competition, you probably should prefer another marathon.

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Paul Carter
nov 2018
42.195 km

A beautiful, scenic race but the organisation was awful. It's such a shame as running past the sea as the waves come crashing in is such a unique experience. You run along the river, across bridges and through the historic Porto streets. The local support was great and there were food and drinks every 5km. It could have been great but what happened at the bag collection in the freezing cold as the rain poured down was unacceptable. Hundreds of runners were left standing in the cold for over an hour because the organisers had not planned how to distribute bags to runners. It was a major health and safety risk and I'm amazed no one died. As the bags were not covered, some people found their clothes were wet so they had no warm clothing to wear. Before the race, the venue was not well signposted from the metro stop so some runners were not sure where to go. British runners also found the website hard to navigate. The Expo was good and the pasta meal was lovely. I would not do this race again but am proud that I completed it.

It was a rather long marathon at 26.6 miles but that may be due to running sideways.

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João Girão
Country flag of PT
nov 2018
42.195 km

Running in Porto is always an amazing experience: crossing three municipalities (Matosinhos, Porto and Gaia) gives a unique opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the sea and river. However, the organization clearly failed this year in providing the best conditions to the runners: queue lines for the wardrobes of more than 20 minutes in the beginning; the luggage was left in the rain and the runners had to wait over an hour to receive them back after finishing the race. Such an amazing route should deserve a much better organization.

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Nathan Belois
Country flag of US

It was especially rainy and windy, and the course was very packed with runners. I think it's a great course and event, but I didn't perform as well as I'd hoped.

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Vitor Ribeiro

Great route. Well organized.

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Bartosz Stodolski
Country flag of GB

Not easy but great place to run ...

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Laura Dapkuviene
Country flag of LT

Nice race :)

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Filipe Conceição
Country flag of PT

Very nice and flat

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Sunny Schippers
Country flag of NL

The 2018 edition was tough and the organisation wasn't prepared for bad weather...

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stoffi null
Country flag of DE

sehr gute Organisation

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Ulrich Walter
Country flag of DE

Porto ist eine schöne Stadt, und auch der Marathon hat seine Vorzüge. So gibt es neben Medaille und Finisher-Shirt noch ein Teilnehmer-Shirt und einen Rucksack. Außerdem findet die Pasta-Party stimmungsvoll in einem Gewölbekeller statt. Das Marathon-Erlebnis selbst leidet jedoch unter der unzureichenden Kapazität der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel, die einen hin zum Start und wieder zurück in die Stadt bringen sollen, unter der schlechten Organisation (z.B. lange Wartezeiten bei der Kleiderbeutelausgabe) und unter der Tatsache, dass verschiedene Läufe gleichzeitig starten (was zu Platzmangel auf der Strecke führt). Zur Abwertung führt auch, dass die Finisher-Plazierung nach der Bruttozeit berechnet wird. Für Marathon-Touristen ist der Lauf dennoch durchaus okay.

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Ulrich Berghäuser
42.195 km

Some informations for the German runners.... Look at my homepage and read my report! http://ulrichberghaeuser.de/marathon/berichtemarathon.html

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Nouvelles: Course

Lire la suite

Résultats 2019 : Marathon de Porto

04 Nov, 2019 (Lun)

Credit : RunportoTV Deso Gelmisa a franchi la ligne d’arrivée devant 3895 coureurs, terminant en 02:09:08, suivi de Victor Kiplimo qui termine en 02:10:56. Debele Belda prend la troisième place en 02:14:22. Dans la course féminine, Bontu Bekele Gada a remporté la course avec un temps de 02:33:38, suivie de Mestawot Tadesse qui termine en 02:39:14. Genet Getaneh monte sur la troisième marche du podium en terminant avec un temps de 02:40:59. Top 5 Hommes 1 Deso Gelmisa ET 02:09:08 2 Victor Kiplimo KE 02:10:56 3 Debele Belda ET 02:14:22 4 Justus Kiprotich KE 02:16:15 5 Geoffrey Rotich KE 02:19:59 Top 5 Femmes 1 Bontu Bekele Gada ET 02:33:38 2 Mestawot Tadesse ET 02:39:14 3 Genet Getaneh ET 02:40:59 4 Tizita Terecha ET 02:44:38 5 Rosa Madureira PT 02:49:53 Retrouvez les résultats complets
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1 min de lecture

Résultats 2018 : Maraton de Porto

06 Nov, 2018 (Mar)

Credit : Viver o Porto Pc ROBERT CHEMONGES a franchi la ligne d’arrivée en tête en 02:09:05. Il devance OLIVIER IRABARUTA de 43 secondes. FIKADU KEBEDE monte sur la troisième marche du podium en terminant avec un temps de 02:10:41. Dans la course féminine, ABEBA-TEKULU GEBREMESKEL a gagné l’épreuve en 02:30:13, suivie de MESKEREM ABERA HUNDE qui termine en 02:33:50. ELVANIE NIMBONA monte sur la troisième marche du podium en terminant avec un temps de 02:44:24. Top 5 Hommes 1 ROBERT CHEMONGES 02:09:05 2 OLIVIER IRABARUTA 02:09:48 3 FIKADU KEBEDE 02:10:41 4 JACKSON KIBET LIMO 02:12:19 5 ABRAHAM GIRMA 02:12:46 Top 5 Femmes 1 ABEBA-TEKULU GEBREMESKEL 02:30:13 2 MESKEREM ABERA HUNDE 02:33:50 3 ELVANIE NIMBONA 02:44:24 4 ROSA MADUREIRA 02:50:06 5 LÍDIA PEREIRA 03:01:47 Retrouvez les résultats complets
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1 min de lecture

Nouveau record féminin pour Monica Jepkoech au Marathon de Porto

07 Nov, 2017 (Mar)

Credit : JUP Multimédia Hugo Filipe Nunes Gonçalves a franchi la ligne d’arrivée devant 4552 coureurs, terminant en 03:05:27. Il a pris l’avantage sur Jackson Limo qui le suit à 53 minutes 53 secondes. Daniel Pinheiro complète le podium en 02:17:57. Chez les femmes, Monica Jepkoech a pris le dessus sur ses concurrents pour remporter la course en 02:26:58, nouveau record sur le parcours. Elle devance Salome Rocha de 4 minutes 3 secondes. Chaltu Bedo Negashu prend la troisième place en 02:43:41. Top 5 Hommes Top 5 Femmes Retrouvez les résultats complets= La prochaine édition du Maratona do Porto aura lieu le 4 novembre 2018. §staticmap(1407,5,800,200)
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1 min de lecture

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