JTBC Seoul Marathon

4.8 (8 Avis)
Seoul, Corée du Sud
03 Nov, 2024 (Dim)
Taille de l'événement: 25000 - 49999 participants


10 km, 42.195 km

Prix à partir de
70 USD
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À propos de l'événement

Participez à la fête de course la plus importante, le JTBC Seoul International Marathon, qui se tient dans l'une des villes les plus animées d'Asie. Ce marathon annuel offre aux coureurs un parcours visuellement éblouissant, les emmenant au cœur de Séoul avec une vue sur des monuments éminents tels que le palais de Deoksugung, Dongdaemun et la place Gwanghwamun. En courant, vous aurez l'occasion de vous plonger dans l'histoire profonde de la ville en traversant des lieux qui ont joué un rôle crucial dans le passé de la Corée, comme la Coupe du Monde 2002 et les Jeux Olympiques de Séoul 1988. Participez à cet événement de course célébré aux côtés de millions de coureurs élégants du monde entier, la majorité d'entre eux étant dans la vingtaine et la trentaine. Cet événement sert de plate-forme parfaite pour établir des connexions avec des personnes similaires tout en découvrant la ville dynamique de Séoul. Ce marathon, soutenu par les principales marques de vêtements de sport mondiales, est organisé par JTBC, une grande entreprise de diffusion coréenne. Le JTBC Seoul International Marathon est considéré comme le marathon le plus populaire en Corée.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 14 semaines pour vous préparer


03 Nov, 2024 (Dim) - 08:00
42.195 km
Sur site
Parcours certifié


03 Nov, 2024 (Dim) - 08:00
10 km
Sur site
Parcours certifié

Détails de la course

Points forts de la course

The greatest course of all time spans across Seoul, from the major historical sites like Deoksugung palace, Dongdaemun and Gwanghwamun Square to 2002 World Cup and 1988 Seoul Olympic sights. Over 3 main bridges across Han River, we have prepared the best course in fully across Seoul. We assure you that by running across this course, it will be a unforgetable and magnificient experience to tour across the Heart of Seoul.

Adresse de départ

World Cup Park, World Cup-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Adresse d'arrivée

Jamsil Sports Complex, 올림픽로 송파구 서울특별시 대한민국

Carte de l'itinéraire

route map

Ce qui est inclus dans l'inscription

Ces éléments sont inclus dans votre inscription
Médaille de finisseur
T-shirts de l'événement
Goodie bag
Certificat électronique/diplôme électronique
Ravitaillement solide
Ravitaillement liquides
Dépôt de sacs
Puce à usage unique
Repas d'après-course
Assurance accident
Meneurs d'allure
Assistance médicale

Questions fréquemment posées


8 Avis
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Nancy ㅤ
Country flag of AU
Nov 2023

한국에서 처음 참여한 마라톤이었습니다. 루트가 정말 멋있었어요. 매일 빌딩과 자동차로 가득 찬 도시, 그 안에서 뛰는 난 정말 믿기 어려운 경험이었어요. 한강을 세 번이나 건넜다고요! 힘들게 달리면서 풍경을 완전하게 감상하기는 힘들었지만, 아름답다는 건 틀림없었어요. 언덕에서 조금의 고비가 있었지만 마침내 완주할 수 있었습니다. 레이스 팩도 정말 멋졌어요. 비가 온다는 사실을 주최자는 미리 알았어요? 큰 타올을 제공해주어 그 어떤 문제 없었습니다. 풀 코스 셔츠가 검정색이라는 게 아쉬웠지만, 주황색이었다면 눈에 더 뛰었을 거에요. 다만 확실한 건 2024년에 나는 이 완벽한 대회에서 또 한 번 뛸 것입니다.

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Eugene WONG
Country flag of CN
Nov 2023
42.195 km


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Thiranun Somchai
Nov 2023
42.195 km

การแข่งขันที่ฉันอยากจะเข้าร่วมเป็นอย่างยิ่ง ฉันจะไปเยือนโซลที่มีเสน่ห์และจะต้องทำให้สำเร็จให้ได้ในปีนี้แน่นอน!

first race~!

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Eden ㅤ
Nov 2023
42.195 km

Last year this was my first running, and it left me with great memories though it was raining. I’m gearing up to run this year for my new PB

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jimmy quan
Nov 2023
42.195 km

The marathon is remembered as a competition with a generous race package. :) there was no expo, but there were no issues receiving the race package. the course that crosses Seoul was truly amazing, and I remember it as a place with really delicious food. signing up again this year!!!


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Lily Chung
Country flag of CA
Nov 2023
42.195 km

I always wanted to participate in a marathon held in Korea, and after hearing that the course of the JTBC Seoul Marathon was good, I made up my mind and applied for the 2023 race. As a result, unfortunately it rained, but overall it was a great memory. But rain or shine, the race goes on. The course was memorable and it was great to be able to see famous places in Korea. I will definitely apply for this year’s competition as well.

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Александр Холод
Nov 2018
42.195 km

Спасибо организаторам за хорошую гонку! Понравился стартовый пакет: беговой лонгслив, бутылка, наклейки! Сервис и волонтеры - отличные! Маршрут красивый! На пунктах питания есть всё необходимое: вода, изотоник, бананы, энергетические гели и chocopie :) После финиша дали пакет с едой! Хотелось бы узнать свой результат: какое место я занял? И где взять фото с финиша?

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ross null
Nov 2017
42 km

It was cold in the morning 1º C at 5:30 and only managed to warm to around 17º by mid day. But back to the start, I was early, before the sun rose. It was quite when I got to the stadium and they were still setting up parts of the event. The bag drop was well organized, and the crowd seemed to hang out there. I guess as I couldn't understand any announcements they might have mention it was time to go to the start line. So I ended up rushing to the start line managed to get there with a few mins to spare but again with zero Korean language skills it was only the small fireworks going off that alerted me to the actual start. The start was good with people actually running, unlike many where the crowd forces you to walk the first bit. There was space and it never felt crowded. The course was made up a long relative straight sections so it was quite easy to know where you were. It seemed like every second aid station had sponges only and with it being so cold I never went near them but I guess if you lived there maybe they were helpful. But I did use the water, Pocari Sweat and gels that were on course. While I was told this was a flat marathon, it's not! Sure most of it is level there are quite a few 'bumps' that require a change in stride or pace to overcome. The map on WorldsMarathon is not quite right as there is a little kink out for a 2/3km section on the way back around the 33km mark. I did see the leaders coming back as I was going down South and they just looked so comfortable as they strode past in a small group. I would recommend this race as an event to do if you're visiting Korea, the timing worked for me so I was very happy to spend half the day running 42km. The fact that I walked 20k the day before and 10km each day after was not ideal but it was family holiday so we had things to see and do.

I booked the holiday months before and the marathon was the only distance I could signup at that time. There was also a 10k but I didn't know when that would open for registration so went with the longer option. The race was 3 weeks after doing the Melbourne Marathon so not ideal but actually worked out well with the Korean marathon being 15 mins faster than Melbourne.

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